I spent most of the afternoon/evening today working with these tomatoes. All 30 pounds of them! Let's just say my freezer has a lot more room in it than it did this morning. With rain in the forecast I decided it would be the perfect day to finally make the sauce I saved all these beauties for. It feels like ages ago when we harvested them last August. When I just couldn't look at another tomato; of course I laugh now, because I can't wait for them to come back. In the mean time the sauce that I made today will have to hold us over for the next 5 or 6 months. I'll be back later in the week with the step-by-step process I used for turning these tomatoes into scrumptious sauce.
Also, couldn't resist this picture. This week our seedlings literally seemed to jump out of their pods. It felt like overnight we went from having them just barely creeping above the surface of the soil, to standing tall and reaching for the sun. Watching the constant changes and growth makes me very happy!
Finally, I wanted to bring up the cookbook of the month. I know we are a week in, but I've been cooking out of a new one this month and have a backlog of recipes to share. In honor of Jamie Oliver's show "Food Revolution" and his very inspiring "TED Talk" from February, I decided to cook out of the one book I have of his, The Naked Chef
happy cooking this week.
We adore Jamie here! After Dora the Explorer, Jamie is Sophie's favourite TV personality. And those recipes never fail. Even with the "tiny bit of olive oil".... hehehe. Looking forward to the tomato sauce recipe!
I love that Jamie comes right after Dora. Thankfully he is a lot more than just personality as the recipes have all been wonderful!
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